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Are You Ready to be Living Aware,

Awake, and Aligned?

Are you ready to:
-join a sacred community and connect with like-minded souls
- heal old patterns of thoughts and create new ones
-clear out creativity blocks
-connect back to yourself and to mother Earth
- channel divine creative work
-use imagination and intuition to create and expand vision
-live AWARE fully present and highly functioning
- AWAKEN your soul
- and connect to the LIGHT WITHIN to ALIGN to your HIGHEST SELF  

Then it’s your time!



So Are You Ready?


Hello. I'm Molly!


I am a licensed mental health counselor, board certified art therapist, a trained Hatha and Trauma Sensitive yoga instructor, and creative intuitive healer.  I have been using this mind, body, spirit approach to healing for about the past 2 decades and teaching it for the past 11 years!


Growing up as a child I always felt lost and found myself hiding from the world and not letting myself shine.  Not feeling safe to shine.  I was confused about what I was shown as important on the outside and the value that was put on me by others.  Who I was yet to discover and what was on the inside, I had no idea of how to begin get to know.  I began to find myself on a spiritual quest but didn’t know it.  I heard my first big YES, what I now know as my soul calling, when I was 18 and decided I wanted to be an art therapist and to help others heal.  BUT first I had to start with myself.


Fast forward to now and I have found the tools to clear out old wounds, change patterns of limiting belief, tap into creative expression, connect back to my body, empower my spirit, and expand consciousness to have access to what I didn’t before.  NOW there is NO BARRIOR between the outside and inside of myself. It took several years of working on the mind, body, and spirit but I have learned that there truly is a way to live a WHOLE life with endless possibilities as I continue to FOLLOW WHAT LIGHTS ME UP.


This is where I get to share what I know to be true with you.  Because when I share the magic of LIVING AWARE, AWAKE, and ALIGNED it will create the RIPPLE because it truly lights me up and then you get your light turned on and you are now the LIGHTHOUSE for others and that’s how we LIGHT UP THE WORLD!





Join Our Facebook Group

1) connect with a sacred tribe of heart-centered individuals by joining our FACEBOOK GROUP where we've created a safe, total judgement-free, inclusive and embracing community to help encourage each other’s' creativity, intuitive sensing, inner knowing, positive energy, self-understanding, empathy, compassion, and upliftment at any stage and any level of experience.

Online Classroom

2) OR come be a part the LIT FROM WITHIN online classroom transformative journey with 3 different modules to help you learn how to live AWARE, AWAKE, and ALIGNED with the life you DESIRE. Take this journey with me to discover what lights you up and what is dimming your light. You can choose to do this with the group or 1 on 1 with myself to guide the way. Either way, you don't have to know the answers, just be willing to trust the process!

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